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Omani henna

WHAT IS HENNA?: Henna is a temporary tattoo applied to the skin in decorative patterns varying across cultures, and even across regions of Oman. It is made from crushed henna leaves, and is actually quite healthy if nothing is added to the mixture before application. WHEN DO WOMEN IN OMAN USE HENNA AND HOW?: In Oman I get my henna done, once or twice every couple of months. Usually for weddings and Eids, Omani women paint their hands up to the elbows, and their feet, both sides. Some Zanzibari brides I know, even get their entire backs painted in elaborate floral designs for their wedding nights, with poetry verses hidden in the design. Some women wear traditional, older henna style, every single day. As soon as the henna fades, they reapply it. This henna is usually applied by painting the entire bottom of the foot, as well as the palm of the hand. You will see this often with smaller children, both boys and girls, on the Eids. For babies this is done by balling their fists with a h

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